Kate Crawford 
Vladan Joler
Kinotron Group
Oleksandr Kupnyi
Volodymyr Kuznetsov
Jon Rafman
Raqs Media Collective
Kirill Savchenkov
Susan Schuppli
Hito Steyerl
Tactical Tech
Aleksei Taruts
Emilio Varvarella
Phillip Wang
Phillip Wang is a software developer living in San Francisco. Recently he has committed to learning about the theories and practical applications of modern AI.

ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com uses a type of AI (Generative adversarial networks) that can discern patterns in a set of images and create new images indistinguishable from what it has seen. This specific neural network was trained on 70k images of human faces released by Flickr. The underlying algorithm was developed by Nvidia, named StyleGAN. The site simply asks the AI to generate a new face from scratch every time you visit it. The installation works in real time.